Ted and Jean Broadley reckon they share over a hundred years of gardening experience between them, and it shows.

Their nursery at 383 Aldinga Road, Willunga, is a testament to their collective green thumbs, and their sheer joy in just growing things.

Ted is eager to explain that their nursery is not a retail centre with a large range of garden accessories and chemicals, etc, but a traditional nursery with a bewildering array of plants ranging from vegetable and herb seedlings to established fruit trees and mature ornamentals.

Ted has been involved with nurseries and gardening since he gave up a career in smash repairs as a young man. He and Jean ran the Willunga Garden Centre for many years, have been regular stall Holders at local markets and they’ve been at their current location for almost fifteen years.

Called Broadley Green, their nursery is also home to flocks of Guinea Fowl and Bantam hens, and a number of Alpacas.

Broadley Green Nursery is open every day except Tuesday from 9 am – 5 pm, and on Sundays from 11am – 5 pm.

Broadley Green
Wholesale Nursery
383 Aldinga Road
M: 0428228623