The Onkaparinga Council is again seeking community feedback on what measures to use to attempt to ensure compliance by people in cars on the beach.

One of the proposals would see an increased presence of safety officers and would cost over $120,000 per year. Other options include installing permanent CCTV cameras, fences and additional bollards.

ABRA has a long history of supporting cars on the beach and recognises the value to the local groups who collect entrance fees for people who don’t live in the area but want to drive on the beach during busy periods. ABRA President Joshua Reiter has commented that proposals of cameras, fences and bollards are not appropriate saying “I call upon the Elected Members to reject these unnecessary and invasive options. While there are a small number of people that do not comply with the rules around beach access, they are in the minority and to install cameras $120,000 a year on a few wrongdoers is an absolute waste of rate-payers’ dollars.”

ABRA has previously put forward the overwhelming position of our members that better signage and awareness campaigns are the most cost-effective and sensible option for tackling any compliance issues.

All readers are encouraged to fill out the survey before it closes on November 9th which can be found at