Newly elected Councillor for South Coast Ward, Richard Peat, is urging local residents to get involved in the planning process for Renewal SA’s Aldinga Structure Plan, which will decide the future use of 94 hectares of land in the neighbourhood.

The land is a potential site for a new birth-to-year-12 school to open ready for the 2022 school year, and is also the location of the railway corridor and terminus for a future rail extension from Seaford.

Renewal SA has commenced investigations to prepare a structure plan that will inform a potential rezoning of the site at Aldinga to accommodate a range of urban uses.

The structure plan will ensure that these significant infrastructure investments are coordinated and result in a well-planned extension to the Aldinga community.


The Urban Renewal Authority owned land is bounded by Main South Road to the east, Aldinga Beach Road to the south, How Road to the West and Quinliven Road to the north.

It was purchased in 1989 as part of metropolitan Adelaide’s future land bank and is currently leased for cropping.

Currently zoned ‘Deferred Urban’, it is located within the urban boundary defined in the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide.


The Structure Plan will be prepared in line with the principles of the new Community Engagement Charter developed for and overseen by the State Planning Commission.

To receive notifications on engagement opportunities please subscribe for updates on the Renewal SA web site at

The main opportunity for community members will be to review, discuss and provide feedback on the draft structure plan, through both face-to-face and digital opportunities.


Preliminary structure plan February 2019
Draft structure plan April 2019
Open Day/Community place events April 2019
Final structure plan June 2019
Engagement report June 2019

(information extracted from the Renewal SA web site)