In a media release this week, Shadow Environment & Water Minister Susan Close MP and Member for Mawson Leon Bignell MP have committed to creating a new Conservation Park around the Aldinga Washpool, if elected at the 2022 State Election.

The plan would bring together all the land that is currently split between multiple Government agencies and would provide a connection to the Aldinga Scrub.

Labor has agreed to work with the traditional owners of the area when forming the Conservation Park.

“This is a site of special significance for the Kaurna People, the traditional owners of this sacred place. It also provides a crucial habitat for birds, frogs and more than 100 plant species.” Susan Close said.

Local Member Leon Bignell recognized the importance of the area to our community saying “The Washpool is a significant and special part of South Australia and is cherished by local people. It desperately needs to be protected, not carved up and sold off.”

ABRA, in conjunction with a coalition of local groups, has written to Premier and Aboriginal Affairs Minister Steven Marshall MP, over 12 months ago to express concerns with a proposal from SA Water to sell land currently held by their agency. To date, no response has been received.

ABRA President Joshua Reiter welcomed the commitment and calls on the Liberal Environment and Water Minister David Speirs MP to match the Labor commitment.