As a result of a recent Federal re-distribution, residents of Aldinga Beach, Port Willunga, Sellicks Beach and Aldinga will find themselves voting in a new seat at the next Federal Election, due to be held early next year.
While we have been ably represented for many years by Labor’s Amanda Rishworth in the seat of Kingston, in future we will be voting for the seat of Mayo.

Mayo is currently held by Independent Rebekha Sharkie (ex-Nick Xenophon party) while Georgina Downer, scion of the Downer dynasty from the Adelaide Hills, has already been pre-selected for the Liberals after an unsuccessful attempt to displace Rebecca Sharkey at the recent Mayo by-election.

Anne Bourne will be standing for The Greens.

Throwing her hat into the ring for Labor will be young community activist Saskia Gerhardy, endorsed by popular State Member for Mawson Leon Bignell.

According to Leon, ““I first met Saskia 10 years ago when I presented her with an Environmental award and she’s been kicking goals ever since. A great champion for our local area and the only candidate who lives in the Aldinga/Willunga area.”

All candidates will be invited to attend a Meet The Candidates Forum, conducted by the Aldinga Bay Residents Association, before the election.