Become a member of ABRA

ABRA was first formed in 1977 for the purpose of representing the views of the residents of the Aldinga Bay area.

Membership is open to residents of Aldinga, Aldinga Beach, Sellicks Beach, Port Willunga and the surrounding area.

Annual membership fees are $10 for individuals and institutions and $5 concession, and are due within 31 days of the AGM.

Only members have the right to vote or to hold a position on the committee.

The aims of ABRA are documented in the ABRA Constitution:

a) To generate awareness of residents on matters relating to physical, environmental, social and cultural activities.
b) To initiate community response, policies and research which relate to the physical, environmental, social and cultural needs of the defined area.
c) To review relevant proposals, actions and policies of Local, State and Commonwealth Governments; Public, Private and Statutory Authorities which may impact the residents of the Defined Area.
d) To support, cooperate and encourage other organisations and persons from within the defined area whose aims and activities are consistent with those of ABRA.
e) To encourage residents to take part and be involved in the maintenance and improvement of the amenities in the defined area.
f) As a not-for-profit organisation, ABRA aims to disseminate any surplus funds back into community project(s) and/or amenities when and if deemed appropriate by the Committee.


Membership fees

To join us, please EFT your membership fees to:

  • Account Name: Aldinga Bay Residents Association Inc
  • BSB: 633 000
  • Account Number: 129952065

Please use your name as the Reference.

Individuals: $10 | Concession: $5