Concept designs for Aldinga’s new Birth to Year 12 (B-12) school have been revealed.

Education Minister John Gardner said that local families should be excited by the design concepts, which showcase a world-class, modern learning environment.

“This new school will cater for the growing demand for public education in the south of Adelaide, and will provide welcome relief for surrounding schools experiencing enrolment demand,” said Minister Gardner.

“Local families will be pleased to have a state-of-the-art school in their local area by 2022.

“The new school will provide a modern learning environment that has strong connections between internal and external learning spaces, with a strong focus on STEM to help educate students for the jobs of the future.

“The open design of the school will also welcome community use, making them true community assets that local families will have access to for years to come.”

Located at 143 Port Rd, Aldinga, the school will accommodate up to 1675 students, including 100 inclusive places for students with a disability and a 75 place children’s centre.

Adelaide-based Sarah Constructions will manage the design and construction of the project, engaging local sub-contractors and suppliers to deliver the build.

It is expected that 900 jobs will be created in the construction industry across the build at Aldinga and at a second B-12 school being built at the same time at Angle Vale, north of Adelaide.

Swanbury Penglase and Perumai Pedovali are the architects.

Key features of the school’s design include:

Modern and contemporary learning environments

A focus on science, technology, mathematics and science (STEM) studies

Integration and connection, providing unique learning and teaching environments

Design to allow community use

Expansive outdoor facilities designed for community use outside of school hours, courts, an open gymnasium and sporting fields

A 300 seat performing arts centre and an entrepreneurial hub

Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD) principles that meet a 5 Green Star Rating.

The Aldinga Bay Residents Association has welcomed the announcement.

Joshua Reiter, President of ABRA, said “The designs released are very exciting and will benefit not only the students attending the school, but also the wider community through the facilities that will be accessible to the public.

“The new School will take some pressure off nearby schools already struggling at, or over capacity. ABRA looks forward to working closely with the Government and Council on the transport issues that have been raised as an ongoing concern to the community.

“I welcome the statement from the Minister that local suppliers and sub-contracts will be engaged on the construction phase.”

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